Democracy is the right of people to choose there own government. Democracy can be a successful progression only when each citizen of India comes out to vote. To elect the right person is our responsibility towards our nation. Elections are the backbone of democracy and we can keep democracy alive through voting. From past three elections of lok Sabha, voting percentage is constantly falling.
Even a single vote matters a lot in democracy and election. There are several juncture when we criticize our regulatory systems for there inefficiency. Voting is the only weapon provided to us by which we can construct our society. So every person should vote to utilize there power. A single vote can change the government and the complete regulatory system prevailing around. Voting can modify the future of our country, so we must vote for country’s sake. Voters can pick the most deserving candidate through voting. It is our responsibility to select the correct person, who can work for development of our nation.
In the latest elections, 65 percent of voters are below 35 years of age. These youth powers are definitely going to play a major role in deciding the next government. Even our nation needs more of youth’s representatives in our government. One of the parties has 35 candidates nominated all over India who are young and can represent youth in next parliament. Out of 35 candidates 20 are been nominated form Rajasthan only. Nationwide average age of candidates is been reduced in these elections, more of the youths are coming out to be the part of Indian politics. Youth should move forward to cast there vote for nation’s benefit.
People must not get negative towards voting and elections. Everyone should cast there vote, as this is the power granted to us by our constitution. Even one vote count up in contribution of changing systems and society.
Every voter should check out the background of the candidates, so that they can elect the best one. Voting is successful only if we vote smartly. So take a pledge today to cast your vote for India’s better future.